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Writer's pictureIKS ESQ. LLC.

FY2022 H-1B CAP Registration Period

The H-1B Cap Registration period is nearly upon us and unlike past years there is a lot of anxiety and focus being placed on the selection period this year. With a new administration in power, many Trump Era policies are being dismantled and reversed.

A major change put into place by the Trump Administration was to alter the the CAP Registration and selection criteria to focus on selection H-1B Candidates based on Highest prevailing wage in each area. This rule is scheduled to take effect on March 9 (unless postponed).

Additionally, the timelines of when the announcement of the Registration Period is to be released is also unconfirmed as of yet. The current rules require that the CAP Registration period must occur within 14 days of the beginning of April and the announcement of the registration period must occur 30 days prior.

AILA has done an excellent exploration of possible timelines for the Cap Registration period stating that "the latest date that the agency could begin the registration process for FY2022 is March 18, 2021. USCIS is also required to announce the start and end dates of the initial registration period on its website at least 30 calendar days in advance of the start date of the registration process, which would require an announcement no later than February 16, 2021."

To Read the full release by AILA please use the Link Below.

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